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Is Wine Fattening?

Ever wondered if wine was healthy? We have, too, and we've heard every myth in the book! Some of these stories go: drinking red wine can prevent heart attacks; another report says that white wine lowers cholesterol levels more than any other type of alcohol. Wine is a drink that has been around for centuries, and there are many myths about it. It's time to settle the truth once and for all! Let's talk about whether or not wine is fattening and what you should know!  The Weight of Wine Let's start with the obvious: whether it's healthy to drink wine depends a lot on how much you're drinking. In the 1990s, many researchers began promoting that red wine was...

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How To Pick The Sweetest Red Wine

Hate tannins or have a super sweet tooth? Sweet red wines might be the ideal choice for you. Let's dive into the world of sweet red wines so you can successfully find the sweetest red wines the world has to offer!  What Is Sweet Red Wine? Sweet wine is what its name implies: sweet wine. Another name for sweet wine is a dessert wine because it frequently accompanies a dessert course or is consumed in place of dessert after a delicious meal.  While the definition of sweet wine is not clearly defined, it typically comprises more than 14% alcohol which, in contrast, the average glass of wine is around 11% to 13%.  How Is Sweet Red Wine Made? To make...

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How To Pick Dry White Wines

With hundreds of different varieties and flavors, wine has a little something to offer everyone! From crisp to full-bodied wines, and regions to grape varietals, there's a lot to learn. But today, let's dive into the world of dry white wines and how to differentiate them from their peers.  How Are Dry White Wines Made? A dry wine has little to no residual sugar. We aren’t scientists, but in short, grape juice and yeast undergo a fermentation process after being crushed and pressed from grapes. To create dry wines, the winemaker allows the fermentation process to leave a dry wine with a small amount of residual sugar, usually four grams of sugar per liter of wine. In addition to having...

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How To Choose Your New Favorite Summer Wine

On the Bev Blog, we do a lot of wine talking. We've written about white, red, pink and even green wine and orange wine. Here's one we didn't foresee ourselves talking about: black wine. Ever heard of it? As incredibly “wine-educated” people, we were both surprised and alarmed that we hadn't. We assumed it was one of the newest drink trends—like the gothic answer to a summer rosé—and looked on TikTok, thinking our favorite influencers would be raving about these new "in" alcoholic beverages. As it turns out, black wine is nothing new and, instead, has been around longer than some of our very favorite wines.  Here's everything we discovered.  Black Wine Spoiler warning: black wine is red wine, only...

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How To Build The Ultimate Hangover Kit

Now that the world is starting to reopen up and we can go out and about, there's one thing we can be confident of: hangovers are coming. We've all had one: tired, hungover, and in serious need of something that actually works, not just something that an old myth tells us works.   Unfortunately, most of the time, when we're drinking, we don't set out the things that we might need the next day; we're talking about water and painkillers. Instead, what typically happens is you fall asleep in a drunken slumber, still caked in makeup. The aftermath? A not-so-great feeling when waking up in the morning.  A hangover is known for imparting various symptoms: headache, nausea, diarrhea, loss of appetite,...

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